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Sunday, June 3, 2012

Anesthetic Drug Shortages: How Is This Affecting Your Practice?

Medscape WebMD blog posted by anesthesiologist (Chief Medical Officer/President of World-Docs, Inc.) blogger Michael D. Sornson MD (drmike); Blog: Chronicles of AnesthesiaAnesthesia Sphere; Title: Anesthesia Drug Shortages: How Is This Affecting Your Practice?

Anesthesia Sphere (Discussion) - in the US, we have experienced an increased incidence of anesthetic drug shortages.  For example, . . . fentanyl, propofol, etomidate, succinylcholine and lately atropine . . . how the drug shortages have impacted your practice and how are you managing.  Link: http://boards.medscape.com/forums?128@259.FPaqapWGccG@.2a3237a0!comment=1