Medscape & WebMD blog posted by anesthesiologist (Chief Medical Officer/President of World-Docs, Inc.) blogger Michael D. Sornson MD (drmike); Blog: Chronicles of Anesthesia; Anesthesia Sphere; Title: Anesthesia Burnout . . . What's Left In Your Tank?
Anesthesia career burnout has been a hot button with the increasing stresses/demands . . . . With new healthcare demands & global economic stresses . . . anesthesia providers are dealing with increased pressures to manage sicker cases . . . with a "do it quicker/faster/more efficiently" . . . with less support/ backup/assistance . . . . After 25+ years of education/training, most anesthesiologists plan on a long(er) career [20-30+ years after residency] . . . but with increased work environment stresses/demands AND changing health care . . . What's left in your tank? Link:!comment=1