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Thursday, November 22, 2012

Giving Thanks To Our Colleagues On This Thanksgiving Day

Medscape WebMD blog posted by anesthesiologist (Chief Medical Officer/President of World-Docs, Inc.) blogger Michael D. Sornson MD (drmike); Blog: Chronicles of AnesthesiaAnesthesia Sphere; Title: Giving Thanks To Our Colleagues On This Thanksgiving Day

We as anesthesia providers work in stressful situations . . . often our nerves wear thin . . . .  On Thanksgiving Day to take a moment to remember and thank our colleagues . . . . We often forget a simple "Thank You" is called for and often overlooked . . . . We'd like to hear comments from the Anesthesia Sphere as to when  your staff came to your rescue and/or thanks was given.  Link: http://boards.medscape.com/forums?128@610.xt67ajtIcE5@.2a36fecf!comment=1